Niagara Animal Hospital

608 Roosevelt Rd
Niagara, WI 54151


Other Services

We offer a full line of services to take care of your pets from their early years to their senior years.


  • In House Pharmacy
  • Prescription Foods
  • Online Store
  • Laser Therapy

In House Pharmacy

We have a full in-house pharmacy to reduce the wait time for getting your pets back on their paws as quickly as possible. No need to drive anywhere else to pick up your pet's medication; we will have it filled for you in a matter of minutes. Veterinarians go through a great amount of pharmacology training specific to animals, as dosages and drug interactions can be very different than in people. Having your pet's medication filled at the clinic will give you piece of mind that it was filled correctly, and all possible drug interactions were reviewed. You also have the ability to have most medications refilled through our online store. Each prescription is reviewed to make sure it is correct before it is sent right to your door.

Prescription Food

Many illnesses can be better managed with a specific diet. We have prescription diets that can prevent the recurrence of urinary bladder stones, reduce the stress on the kidneys during kidney failure, help to clean the teeth of pets prone to dental disease, calm the intestines for those pets that suffer from intestinal issues, and hypoallergenic diets for those who suffer from food allergies to name a few. Again, many of these prescription diets can be found on our online store, and can be delivered right to your door on your own schedule

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Online Store

Our online store offers a large selection and competitive prices for all of your pet needs. Food, toys, medications (and refills), shampoos, and even flea/tick/heartworm preventatives can be quickly shipped directly to your door.

  • FREE shipping on most items when your order over is $38.
  • Items like food and medication refills can be scheduled for monthly re-shipments.
  • Single doses of flea/tick/heartworm preventatives ship for FREE!

Please keep our store in mind when shopping for your pet products.


shop online

Laser Therapy

Our online store offers a large selection and competitive prices for all of your pet needs. Food, toys, medications (and refills), shampoos, and even flea/tick/heartworm preventatives can be quickly shipped directly to your door.

  • FREE shipping on most items when your order over is $38.
  • Items like food and medication refills can be scheduled for monthly re-shipments.
  • Single doses of flea/tick/heartworm preventatives ship for FREE!

Please keep our store in mind when shopping for your pet products.

In the last year we took another step towards advancing our standard of care by offering Laser Therapy for our patients. Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, non-medication treatment used to reduce pain and inflammation and rapidly speed healing. This is helpful for many of our patients such as older pets suffering from arthritis, pets recovering from bite wounds, large cuts or "road rash", to pets having issues controlling their bladder due to inflamed tissue. Laser Therapy is also used on our surgery patients to improve their comfort and speed their recovery.

Click here to learn more about this State of the Art treatment option!


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